Saturday, October 28, 2017

7 Fold Restoration Part 2(Demand for Restoration).

Proverbs  6:30 Men do not despise a thief, if he steal to satisfy his soul when he is hungry;  6:31 But if he be found, he shall restore sevenfold; he shall give all the substance of his house.

Hello Sweethearts! I am so glad we are discussing this once more and more so the concluding part of this discussion. We have agreed that before we can say there is need for restoration it means we have realized something was missing.

The truth is,  it is not  enough to realize that you need restoration you must demand for it. The Bible says in Matthew  7:7 Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:
That's the principle God knows your heart desires and He sees everything yet He said you should ask. The goodnews here is that He already told us what to expect as we ask because He said it shall be given not may be given or likely to be given.Another powerful scripture says in Psalms  81:10  I am the LORD thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt: open thy mouth wide, and I will fill it. We can see that we have been commanded to speak. You don't watch things to get restored, so many people prefer giving the responsibility to God  by saying "I know God will restore me someday", Common Like we saw in part one, God has done all He has to do it is left for you to enjoy as His creation,so you have to speak and act accordingly on what you want restored. Your words must match your actions.
Here is another Biblical example in Mark  10:51  And Jesus answered and said unto him, What wilt thou that I should do unto thee? The blind man said unto him, Lord, that I might receive my sight.
I am sure you will be surprised the question Jesus asked him, knowing he was blind, yet Our Lord Jesus still asked him what he wanted Him to do. Dear,  if that blind man had asked for money instead of his sight.....hmmmm he would have gotten whatever he asked. It is a law (Mark 11:23-24), so you owe yourself the precious duty to know what is actually missing in your life, please stop explaining things away, stop giving reasons why you have to be in such a situation or situations. The question I want to ask you is this,Please be candid as you answer these questions. Are there some persons  out there who has it better than you do?  Is there someone out there who is having  better grades than you even after you have done the right things? Is there someone enjoying his or her marriage and relationships better than you? Are there people who have got better jobs who are even less qualified than you?  Dear, the list is endless but what I am trying to let you understand is that if you can point out one or two persons having what you want or close to what you want, it is means you can get even more dear. So stop, and demand for restoration of whatever you may have lost or is missing in your life.
Please Dear,  it is an error for you to have a well paid job and yet not having a good home, it is an error having a good home yet no money to take good care of the family, it is an error having good grades yet you fall sick all the time and some will say it's because of the stress in school, it is false. Some have concluded that something is bound to be missing, how can everything be complete in someone's life? Well part one of this series explains it all because God's creation was super complete.
Remember even as you start praying because I can sense you are angry at your situation now,please don't forget it is minimum seven fold restoration pointed out by our opening scripture  because you have to be specific like the blind man we used as an example. Take paper and pen, start writing those things out now!

And I  pray for you today, that whatever the devil who is the thief may have stolen from you, be restored NOW minimum seven fold in Jesus mighty name, Amen!

Remember you can always follow us on Facebook search for our page LIFE FINDERS DORMITORIO like the page and you will see over 460 family members there for you because we are all in a family. Our Channel on Telegram is LIFE FINDERS DORMITORIO . God bless you and your are restored in Jesus name Amen. 

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