Saturday, October 07, 2017


John  10:10 The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.

Hi five sweethearts, trust you've had a stress free week. Thank God we have another weekend and God has decided that we dwell  on the above topic this weekend.

What is Restoration?
  1. The action of returning something to a former owner, place, or condition.
  2. The return of a monarch to a throne, a head of state to government, or a regime to power.
These definitions of Restoration and the above scripture alone has given us a solid foundation for this topic. So from these definitions we observe that for us to be talking about restoration it means something which was initially there was taken and it is obvious that it is needed. Please  I want us to get something clear because in this life we all have one enemy(your religion notwithstanding) which is the devil. A preacher once said even if you remove the letter d in his name he is still evil. So it is not the person you consider as an enemy that is the real enemy it is the devil that is using him or her as a tool because unlike God our Father the devil is not omnipresence he can't be everywhere at the same time,so he uses agents. Now the scripture in John 10:10 has called him the thief. For Jesus to see him as a thief it means he is one.  He has no wealth of his own, nothing at all. All he does is take from individuals whom he has charge over. So he is ready to steal whatever makes you happy which includes: your health, peace, joy,  money,  relationships, marriages(his major target) and so on. If you we know all these then we have to stop him or if we see that one of these is lacking in your life then just know the thief has done his job again.
Some persons aren't even aware that life can be even better they just think that is how they have been made to live life, do you people still have the mindset that one can never be completely healthy or cannot just be rich like that because they have a funny quote which says "the rich also cry". No dear! Something has gone wrong unknown to you. His major tool is to make sure you aren't aware because he knows if you know, then you will definitely want something better which is freedom because John  8:32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

Now, here is one major summary of truth that can make you free,  in Genesis  1:31 And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.
 So, I  am sure with this above scripture alone I can stop typing because I trust God has opened your eyes to other things I am about to say. We see, that all God created which includes that your special heart desires that you think can never be has been created from the beginning and God even saw that it was very good. We could say that He saw that it's good you have them. Please don't cheat yourself dear, you deserve the best things of life. It is not for certain set of people or class it is  for every person from the beginning which includes you. 

Trust you have had a nice time knowing that restoration can be deeper than we have always thought. I will pause typing here for some other time to continue. Remember you can always follow us on Facebook search for our page LIFE FINDERS DORMITORIO like the page and you will see over 450 family members there for you because we are all in a family. Our Channel on Telegram is LIFE FINDERS DORMITORIO . God bless you and your are restored in Jesus name Amen. 

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