Monday, September 30, 2019


Hello Family! I trust the month has been wonderful. I am not going to let the month end without letting you meet with someone very important on our personality profile this month. She is no other person but Dr.  Mrs. Linda Iheme. If you just asked who is she ? I won't be surprised because there are still some persons who don't know Dr. Ben Carson. I hope you  did not also ask who is Dr. Ben Carson too? Well, I'm not writing about Dr. Ben Carson today but I'm writing on Dr. Mrs. Linda Iheme. She is a blessed Woman with a lot of wisdom to tap from but will only be considered an aspect which you get to know as you read on.
Those  who know her so well, I will be telling you  what's unique about her, what drew our attention to her and what makes us feel she will be a source of inspiration us globally. The journey is just beginning happy reading!

Well, She grew up in Nigeria like any other good Nigerian and went on to study Dentistry in University of Benin.Despite the fact the fact that there are few good and well paid jobs in Nigeria Dr. Linda Iheme  was able find one and was doing so well. One thing is common with people destined for greatness which is : They are insatiable even with their level of success. Dr. Mrs. Linda Iheme always knew there is more to life, she wanted to give more but something was missing which was? I think your guess will be as good as mine: the enabling environment. So she decided she wanted to seek further studies abroad then the thought boom!  Canada!
Her next line of action was seeking information that one unique quality about her. Her genuine love for information, so she kept on contacting her friends over there until some got fed up and stopped picking her calls and even blocked her on social media, surprisingly even  travelling agents couldn't give her the kind of information she wanted.
Nothing good come easy you know, if it is good there must be a price to pay. She took a decision, a step that would change her life and the lives  some many people who came to know her. You won't imagine what she did, she quit her job, yes she didn't work for a whole year and half  in order to focus on her quest to find answers that will satisfy her curiosity, answers that even travelling Agents and So many migrants  living in Canada couldn't give.
Dr. Linda Iheme scored another goal on this one because she actually succeeded. When she got what she wanted unlike so many migrants that will have all the information they have gathered to themselves Dr. Linda Iheme was different, she didn't want anyone to go through the stress she went through (she really has the heart of gold) she shared the secret she found in pains and frustration she got from persons who were unwilling to help her  to so many people for  almost at no cost. You know, knowledge is power but Dr. Linda Iheme did an exceptional thing she used her knowledge to empower so many people who are living testimonies to this. With her new found secret so many people have avoided been frustrated in their quest to seek a better Education in Canada. If you have tried all you could to get scholarships to study abroad but to no avail, I have just introduced to you a life saver to so many people.It will amaze you to know that she has helped people with Higher National Diplomas (HND) too, so the fact that you don't have a B.Sc is not an issue according to Dr. Mrs. Linda Iheme  you have every reason to succeed no excuse at all and she has what it takes to guide you through trust me testimonies don't lie. Read through some screenshots here.....

  From these testimonies we will be correct if we call Dr. Linda Iheme "The Teacher of Teachers".
 You want to know the secret, it is simple like her page Dr. Linda Iheme on Facebook and contact her through that platform and start from there.
She is also available on Twitter,Instagram and has a YouTube Channel too.

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  1. Bạn có thể mất thời gian tồn tại của gia
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