Monday, March 07, 2016

Nigerian Army Dismisses Five Soldiers.

The Nigerian Army is Determined to rid the force of misconduct and other acts that are at variance with its extant rules, the Nigerian Army has dismissed five soldiers, to serve as lesson  to others.
This is as a new General Court Martial (GCM), has been inaugurated at the Army Headquarters (AHQ) Garrison, Abuja, to try some officers from the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel down, on administrative and other miscellaneous offences.
It was learnt from sources, that the Nigerian Army has resolved to restore discipline and good conduct to the institution, which had contended with cases of mutiny, desertion, Absence Without Official Leave (AWOL), among other offences.

“The Army will not condone acts of indiscipline or misbehaviour of any sort from officers and soldiers.
“In fact, five soldiers have just been dismissed for acts of misbehaviour, and many are undergoing administrative trials, to restore our cherished tradition of discipline and orderly conduct.”

It appears the Nigerian Army has gone to the drawing board.

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