Friday, December 05, 2014


We have often heard that there is time for everything.We are usually happy because it's friday and we are used to the normal TGIF stuff. Have you ever wondered how it would have been like if the week were to continue without an end...Hmmm i guess you're like it will be cool because of the huge profit you made but consider this also that if you didn't take a break to continue you would never have a better thought of improving your job or work. Now considering those who made losses i can only imagine because it will be so bad been a continuous losser. You may want to say that you could as well take stock even if the week were to continue without an end but you must understand that if there were no such break we could hardly take a break.Little wonder the only time most people get to rest is when they are ill...Yes....i'm sure you caught that.
But what i'm saying in essence is that you should make your weekend count by assessing how your week had been critically.
Have a blessed weekend and a blessed week ahead.

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