Saturday, February 24, 2018


Greetings from LIFE FINDERS DORMITORIO to you once more. I will gladly welcome you to our journey for 2018,which is going to be a great one because only one thing is permitted to happen this year and that is:things can only get better. Trust God on this because His Word for you will never fail.
We will be discussing what God has placed in my heart, which is ARE YOU READY!  Now,  I want you to know that God's plan for you is sure because 2 Corinthians  1:20 For all the promises of God in him are yea, and in him Amen, unto the glory of God by us.

This Scripture is deep because I see it summarizing all that we will be sharing. The aspect I want to dwell in is that great opportunities must come your way note these words must come your way but my question for you is are you ready for what will come your way.  You just have to have to make yourself prepared for these opportunities. Now the beauty of preparations is that it attracts opportunities believe me when i say so because I have experienced it. Let me share a short story on this, there were some  bills that were needed two years ago to boost my blog. So what I did was to prepare all that will be needed, made