Wednesday, April 30, 2014


Stay strong, make them wonder how you're
still smiling.

Trust takes years to build, seconds to break,
and forever to repair.

If you live your life with the regrets of
yesterday and the worries of tomorrow, you
will have no today to be thankful for!

A word of encouragement after failure is
worth more than an hour of praise after

Don't compare your Chapter 1 to someone
else's Chapter 20.
Have a fulfiled week and happy new month in advance!!!

Kenyan President signs polygamy into law.

Kenya’s President Uhuru Kenyatta has signed
into law a controversial marriage bill legalising
It brings civil law, where a man was only
allowed one wife, into line with customary law,
where some cultures allow multiple partners.
Controversy surrounded an amendment to the bill,
supported by many male MPs, allowing men to
take more wives without consulting existing
Traditionally, first wives are supposed to give
prior approval.
Last month, female MPs walked out of
parliament in disgust after their male counterparts
voted through the amendment.
They argued that a decision to take on another
wife would affect the whole family, including the
financial position of other spouses.
The bill was also opposed by Christian leaders
who urged the president not to sign it into law,
saying it undermined Christian principles of
marriage and family.
“The tone of that bill, if it becomes law, would
be demeaning to women since it does not respect
the principle of equality of spouses in the
institution of marriage,” Archbishop Timothy
Ndambuki, from the National Council of Churches
of Kenya (NCCK), was quoted by Kenya’s
Standard newspaper as saying.
The marriage legislation has been under discussion
for several years and some initial proposals were
scrapped at committee stages.
It has abolished the practice of unofficial
traditional marriages which were never registered
and could be ended without any legal divorce
But plans to ban the payment of bride prices
were dropped – although a person must be 18
to marry and this now applies to all cultures.
Inheritance chaos?
MPs did reject the committee amendment which
said a woman should only be entitled to 30% of
matrimonial property after death or divorce.
The law now allows for equal property and
inheritance rights – previously a woman had to
prove her contribution to the couple’s wealth.
However, the BBC’s Frenny Jowi in the capital,
Nairobi, says this aspect of the legislation could
create chaos in polygamous marriages.
The law stipulates that a wife is entitled to an
equal share of whatever the couple acquired
during their marriage but in the case of multiple
partners it is going to be difficult to determine
what each spouse is entitled to if one of them
divorces or their husband dies, she says.
There had also been a proposal to recognise co-
habiting couples, known in Kenya as “come-we-
stay” relationships, after six months, but this too
was dropped.

The Fate of the Abducted girls,so sad.

A community leader in Chibok, claimed the girls
abducted by suspected members of the Boko
Haram sect had been sold as wives abroad.
According to Pogo Bitrus, leader of a Chibok
elders group, the captured girls are being offered
to Boko Haram fighters at $12 each.
Bitrus said that locals had been tracking the
movements of the hostages with the help of
“various sources” across the northeast.
“From the information we received yesterday from
Cameroonian border towns our abducted girls
were taken into Chad and Cameroon,” he said.
The girls were then sold as brides to Islamist
fighters for 2,000 naira ($12) each, Bitrus
Meanwhile, parents of the abducted girls slammed
the government on Tuesday over failure to rescue
scores of schoolgirls kidnapped two weeks ago by
Boko Haram Islamists.
“May God curse every one of those who have
failed to free our girls,” said Enoch Mark,
whose daughter and two nieces were among the
more than 234 students abducted from the
Government Girls Secondary School in the
Chibok area of northeastern Borno state.
The attack was one of the most shocking in
Boko Haram’s five-year uprising, which has
claimed thousands of lives across northern and
central Nigeria.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Here are Photos of Mr President on his daughter's wedding.

A presidential wedding indeed present at the wedding include great personalities from far and near....

Here are photos from Faith Sakwe's Wedding
To Godswill Edward. The reception is presently
on at the International Conference Centre,
Herbert Macaulay Way, Abuja.

Making your weekend count.

We have to get our weekend straight and fixed so that we don't have a stressful weekend after having a stressful day. Here are some ways you can make it worthwhile with your family.
"The best things in life are free," goes the old
saying--but what can you do for free that's Here's some pointers to
explore the cheap fun things to do with your

Check your local newspaper for
Community Events. Towns, cities,
libraries, schools, recreation centers
and the like often have free events.
Check your local museums, parks,
and the like for special Open House
days or other events that offer free
Explore the Great Outdoors. Outside
parks, forests, state land, and the
like are often free and offer a lot of
fun activities like swimming, nature
hikes, camping, kite-flying, and the
like. Be sure to check out special
events like free workshops, guided
hikes, stargazing parties, and more.

Cook Together.
You have to cook
dinner; why not do it together? A
family cooking project: chocolate
chip cookies, barbecuing, making
smoothies, making applesauce, is
low cost and is fun. For the kids,
there are some great "food craft"
projects that they'll probably enjoy,
like creating brightly colored rice or
pasta to eat or making fruit sushi.

Play together.
When was the last
time you played catch with your
Dad? Played chess with your
stepmom? What about something
simple like rocks, paper, scissors or
tic tac toe ?

Create together.
Get your family
involved in a project, such as
building a tree house out of scrap
lumber, painting the living room,
creating a family scrapbook, and

Did She really forgive those who raped her?

Being raped is an incident that cannot been forgotten in a life time. I guess it now on the increasing side these days whose fault we may ask ? But the fact still remains there is no excuse for doing what is wrong.. Here is a true life story from Vanguard ...

A Lagos based female evangelist (names
witheheld), recently kidnapped and gang raped
by her abductors around Ogijo area of Ikorodu
Lagos, left everyone speechless when she told
two of her abductors arrested by the Lagos
State Police command that she had forgiven
them for their sins.
The traumatized evangelist who is still trying to
come to terms with her nine days despicable
experience in the hands of nine kidnappers,
even went further to lay her hands on the
arrested suspects, advising them to turn new
leaves in order to make heaven at the end of
their sojourn on earth.
The woman, as gathered, was abducted early
this month and kept in the kidnaper’s den; an
uncompleted building in Ogijo, Ikorodu,
alongside other kidnapped victims, among
whom was a Briton. It was gathered that her
abductors tore her clothes into shreds and left
her in her nude throughout her nine days
stay,where they had her in turns and at any
given time.
While the dehumanizing act was on, one of the
kidnappers reportedly put a call through to the
evangelist’s husband, demanding for N20
million ransom.  But her husband reportedly
dropped the sum of N2 million in an
undisclosed location the fourth day but did not
have his wife released to him as expected.
Escape at last
On the ninth day, Crime Guard was informed
that eight members of the kidnap gang drove
out in two vehicles to collect a ransom of N25
million, for the release of the Briton , at
Caterpillar bus-stop, Ojota, leaving one of them,
(Emeka) behind, to guard their victims.
Moments later, the armed kidnapper was said
to had gone to the exhausted evangelist to
ease his sexual urge.  But he got more than
what he bargained for as the exhausted
woman, in what could be described as a
miracle, flung him away,and he hit his head on
the brick wall.
According to the woman evangelist who initially
bluntly refused to speak to anyone , other than
the arrested kidnappers and Police, “ I do not
know where the strength came from. But as he
was about penetrating… I pushed him and he
hit his head on the wall and passed out.
Without caring whether I was naked or not, or
whether I would be shot in the process, I rushed
out of the uncompleted building shouting for
help. To my surprise, I discovered that the
building was even located among residential
It was learnt that one of the curious
sympathizers who gathered round her, gave her
a wrapper to cover her nakedness.
Back inside the uncompleted building, the
kidnapper,on regaining consciousness,
reportedly scaled the fence and fled,abandoning
his AK 47 riffle, apparently afraid that his
escapee could have blown the lid. An irate mob
stormed the building later, where the Briton was
rescued and the duo taken to the Area N
Meanwhile, the rest members of the gang who
had earlier gone to collect the ransom for the
release of the Briton at Ojota, met their waterloo
at the designated point of receipt.
Unknown to them, operatives of the Special
Anti-Robbery Squad, SARS, who got wind of
their escapades, intercepted them, resulting in
a gun duel which forced the kidnappers to
abandon their loot and escaped.
One of them identified as Emeka was, however,
arrested and he took the operatives to their
hideout from where their victims were
discovered to have been taken to Area N
Command, Ijede. Police sources told Crime
Guard that Emeka’s confessional statement led
to the arrest of another suspected member of
the gang known as Ikechukwu Ibe.
In his confessional statement, Emeka
exonerated him self from the gang rape,saying:
“ I could not do it because she kept shouting
the name Jesus! Besides, when I discovered
she was married, I refused to take part. I even
told my colleagues to let her be, since her
husband had already paid N2 Million. It was
Sam, Innocent, Ikechukwu,Ugo and the rest
that raped her . She was kept permanently
naked to allow them easy access.
Sam is our leader while Ikechukwu is his
deputy. Ugo is the messenger and ‘pointer’.
What he does is to identify our victim after
which we would intercept the vehicle. My job is
to alight from our operational vehicle, get the
victim inside before zooming off. At times, we
kidnap our victims through information from
their drivers,” he said.
One AK 47 and one pump action rifle were
reportedly recovered by the policemen at the
kidnappers den.

Wednesday, April 02, 2014


" Don't let someone dim your light simply because it is shining in their eyes"

"Stop cursing the darkness light some candles"

"The true mark of maturity is when somebody hurts you and you try to understand their situation instead of hurting them back"

"Nurture your mind with great thoughts,for you never go higher than what you think".

"Don't worry if you are single ,God is looking at you right now,saying I'm saving this one for someone special".

"Be positive"...........