Genesis 1:28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth
Hello Dear, I trust you are doing well? Despite the pandemic God have remained faithful because He will not allow us to suffer or lack any Good thing since we are originally His fruits because He is our Father.
We previously looked at My Fruits interms of our children or offsprings. In the part two of this series our focus will be on LOST SOULS. It is not enough for you to be saved but others around you need to be saved. The common mistake we make at times is assume the fact that because some persons are so nice or the fact that some persons go to church regularly means they are saved. No! That's is not always the case Dear. I have spoken to so many church goers and very responsible people who ain't saved at all.
How can I be fruitful?
From the beginning God have urged us to be fruitful and multiply not just interms of physical Children but also interms of winning Souls for Christ. I am going to be listing some pointers from my experience in the field by His Grace.Though majorly as you go out for to wins souls for Christ you must learn to listen to the Holy Spirit because He sees it and know it all . Here is the major pointer to know People who ain't saved :
When you ask them if they are saved and they quick to answer you Yes , go a step further and ask them when and how? If they begin to startle or they can't recall then know they ain't truly saved because being born again is indeed always an unforgettable encounter. If we all can recall when we were born, how about the encounter with Jesus is what anyone who is truly saved can never forget for life. So when you are in the midst of such persons speak the word of Salvation to them because that's an opportunity to be fruitful.
Bearing Fruits Upwards
John 15:16 Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you.
Getting them to know Christ ain't enough but you must finish what you have started according what Jesus told us in John 15:2 meaning they must take root downwards and bear fruit upwards then you will know that your mission is accomplished. Until you fulfil this principle don't give up, keep praying and keep speaking until you get this result. You will indeed be victorious in Jesus name. Amen.
I Pray for you today, you will continue to be a fruitful branch of the Vine!
You will continue to abide in Christ for life in Jesus name.
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We have Commenced our ONLINE MIDWEEK PRAYERS on our FACEBOOK PAGE every Wednesday from 12 am till 11:59pm we always pray throughout that day. There will not be any special post but all will directed on our prayer focus for that day and feel free to drop yours too and learn to personalize the various prayer points that will be dropped.
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