2 Corinthians 12:8 For this thing I besought the Lord thrice, that it might depart from me. 12:9 And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.
Hello Sweethearts! You are welcome to this Amazing Eleventh month. So I would love to wish you a happy new month. This is going to be your best month ever. You may be wondering if there is still time because to you the year has ended and yet most of the things you had in mind to achieve are still yet to be achieved , it seems you are still far from achieving them. There is one truth I want you to know about life which is, it is never late to be Right .
The day you realize that you may have been on a wrong path, wrong location and so on your life will make a dramatic U-turn and change for the better before you know it.
In this life whether you believe it or not whether you like it or not there are oppositions to stop you from achieving your dreams or purpose in life. When I say oppositions don't think too far because your number one enemy of you is you. Yes you! So many of us know various success strategies, we have read books and watched videos, how many have you put to work?
Nothing will work except you make it work. You can't be successful alone by dreaming and thinking successful only. You have to work it out, deny yourself some pleasure that's where the flesh comes in because Mark 14:38 Watch ye and pray, lest ye enter into temptation. The spirit truly is ready, but the flesh is weak. So having a willing heart is not enough, your flesh have to cooperate with you so you can achieve your goals, dreams and vision.
The spirit of Bondage
This what actually happens, I want you to understand something, like I said initially your easiest enemy is yourself, and it is often very difficult to win too hence individuals have remained in bondage for ages because they cannot overcome self pleasure or self deceit . If the devil can ever succeed in making an individual waring against his or herself then he is done with him or her and looks for another victim. One thing you must understand is that he knows so much because he has always been here so you can't trick him just forget about that. So if he knows he can't stop you from praying, what he will do is to induce characters or actions in you that will ensure that your prayers are never answered. If he knows he can't stop you from serving God hence he will ensure that there are Some little Sins or addictions that will make your service to God profitless and unacceptable . You know not all can endure so you start hearing words like: God where are You? Then he knows he has started wearing out this individual. God can never bless a complainer unless he repents. The lists can be endless.
So you see someone can be engaging and working so hard from January to October no meaningful achievement because of this spirit of bondage that uses flesh as a major tool to work against the individual.That's why some individuals can be so rich Spiritually but nothing is showing physically. In fact the worst tool the devil has used is still our faith which ought to be our shield against him too and the Bible makes it clear that the Just shall also live by his faith and also making us understand that faith without works is dead. So we have so many confessing believers, so many praying believers which their confession doesn't match up with their lives. He will make sure their eyes are blind to what the Word actually says by misinterpreting it to them and living them to suffer the consequences unless grace find them.
How to Overcome the spirit of Bondage
Remember it's a spirit and you have wished and prayed enough with your language why not switch to praying in the Holy Spirit according to 1 Corinthians 14:2 For he that speaketh in an unknown tongue speaketh not unto men, but unto God: for no man understandeth him; howbeit in the spirit he speaketh mysteries. You see, since you can't tell why you have been acting opposite of your plans then we can say it is a mystery. So you have to speak mysteries too in the realm of the Spirit too to counter it and most importantly pray for the eyes of your spiritual understanding to enlightened(Eph.1:17-20) .
The finally there is the prayer for the power to do as God showed me sometime ago (Deut.8:18) meaning if God gives you power to get wealth for example it means He has give you the power to do things that will give you the wealth and since Zechariah. 4:6 says (Paraphrased) it not by power but by my Spirit then you have to pray more in the Holy Spirit for the power to do. Remember the Holy Spirit is Holy and he will help you overcome every unholy act or actions that have been hindering you from achieving your set goals or vision.
Remember it not too late to be right, just do thing thing that looks so easy and watch how things will change.
Numbers 6:24 The LORD bless thee, and keep thee: 6:25 The LORD make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: 6:26 The LORD lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace. Amen!
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