Hello sweethearts, I welcome you once more to our Weekend Digest. This week God is letting us know that we have to work. What we don't work won't work and if we don't work we can't walk to anywhere meaningful in this life.
As usual I will like to narrow it down to the families. I have lived with some families in my childhood and visited some too, I have had some deep discussions from school mates while growing up not to mention interactions with some children, teenagers and the likes with all these little experiences I have come to discover a common problem people aren't ready to work. Please you must understand that your family is like the farmland there is a proverb that says work in the farm is never finished.
The family is the major attack of the devil in this end time that is why he has tried to make so many persons so distracted that they care less about what matters most.
God in the beginning blessed all the families(Genesis 1:28). The truth is to enjoy the promises of God is hard work, and what follows too alongside is patience. These are what is lacking in most families today hence the social vices we have in our neighborhood. When I mention hard work I'm not saying you aren't providing for your home as the head or you aren't supporting your husband in providing for the home as the wife but it much more than that Daddy and Mummy or up Coming Daddy and Mummy Lol...
Providing and supporting with basic needs of the house is very important but ATTENTION is much more important too. Consciously speak to your children allow them to be so free enough to ask you any question. It is not healthy for them to closer to the school teachers or house helps than you because it is not safe. The only guaranteed person that will not harm your wards intentionally is you(Daddy and Mummy). I will like to note that you shouldn't make them feel you are monitoring them even if you are Lol.. What you can do in that sense is by engaging in light discussion and jokes then you will be shocked what can be in the mind of your wards.
I'm glad you have seen reasons with me but I must note that it is not as easy as you think because they Will most times tell you things that may not make sense to you but you have to be PATIENT because it makes sense to them. In other words, you just have to flow even when it's not looking interesting but come to think of it how will you feel after providing for the family thinking that will make them happy yet there is still some level of unhappiness most times you may never be aware. So how do you become aware, it by paying attention. In Genesis God never added Family crisis, it means He had created everyone to have a crisis free family with God fearing Children who will in turn reign as Kings and Queens in all they do but YOU MUST WORK IT OUT NOT WISH IT OUT.
I PRAY FOR YOU TODAY, God will give you the grace to play your role especially in paying Attention to your wards. Your family will not break up for any reason, your children will not be a disgrace to your family. If any child is currently giving you challenges, I decree God's hands upon that Child right now.
For up Coming Daddys and Mummies the same grace is multiplied unto you in Jesus name...Amen.
Feel free to follow us on all Social Media platforms especially on Facebook where we have over 1000 family members there with lots of information and update on current happenings.
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