Plant your seed in the morning and keep busy all afternoon, for you don’t know if profit will come from one activity or another—or maybe both.
Ecclesiastes 11:6 NLT
Hello Sweethearts, Trust you are having a great time even as the working week began today. I will not fail to thank you, you and you for all the birthday wishes via our Facebook Page, What's app and so on. You see,you guys just proved me right when I say we are a family.I love you so much with all my heart that's why I will always try to respond to all your messages within 24hrs maximum. I will also take this opportunity to introduce a new Brand of our program which began today on our Facebook page it is call DormiScenario where we post on current happenings around the world and profer solutions if need be to challenges . Keep following us and be informed.
Must we sow, even if we must sow, what are we sowing, I thought such words are meant for farmers only? I may just have succeeded in speaking the mind of some persons maybe not you because you may have the idea of what this is all about but I will expand it a little as we proceed.
Sowing in this context is not that of agricultural seeds or money that can termed as seeds in church though I'm not against all that but I'm dwelling on sowing your time consciously on your God given gift, talent, academics, profession and so on. So if we may go further I will like to say what are you investing your time on?
As a student how are you investing your time, as a worker we know your tight schedules how are you investing the free time too? In life we get busy with so many things though but how many of them are actually productive?
It is important you do things daily that is in line with your God given gift or calling , academics and profession, no matter your schedule. What I mean is aside getting busy with all these various activities because we can't help but attend classes as a student, we can't help but go to work as a worker(even if you don't feel like Lol), you can't help but go for various ministrations as a minister or Speaker but what I'm saying is Sow the seed of time on it by studying materials that will keep improving you on that your academics aside just studying to pass for exams, preparing a speech for ministration, Rehearsing for a musical concert, preparing for a stand up comedy and so on. One thing you must understand talent is not enough but getting the necessary skills by sowing your time reading,listening and watching necessary videos in improving your yourself matters a lot more too. If you don't sow time in that your God given gift, talent,calling, profession, academics and so on, you will soon be left behind because time on its own progresses and we are expected to follow suit. Don't forget growing old is not optional but we can choose to mature in sense with time.
So in summary invest time on that your gift, profession and calling today so you will reap its fruits tomorrow because whether you like it or not you must be busy. Nature abhors Vaccuum meaning no man is actually idle just that many are not engaging in a productive activities.
God bless you richly for reading once more. You can always follow us on our Facebook.
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