Proverbs 4:23 Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.
I am so sure the Holy Spirit has made you catch somethings as He kept taking my attention to this scripture some days back and made me see some things i will be sharing by His grace.
We often hear people say when there is life there is hope and i also hear this one in particular: Thank God for life o. Then i keep asking myself is It that so many persons are just satisfied by just existing not actually minding the fact if they are actually adding value to humanity? Then another common statement i hear is this: I know things will change.
Life itself is more than existing. I will be brief as much as possible because the way my fingers are typing i am avoiding going too deep on this very sensitive topic. Now,In the beginning God created Man (Adam) and later woman (Eve). Now note Our Creator after creating a very comfortable environment for man, which is enough for Him to tell man to eat and relax yet He still told man to add value to His immediate environment according Genesis 2:15 And the LORD God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it.
Our Heavenly Father has laid the foundation for us to follow and when Eve came into the scene, you would have wondered what will she be doing but God clearly made her duties known (Help meet). You can see as perfect as the world was then before sin came in, God wanted man to add value. What excuse do we have in such an imperfect and dark world we live in today. So dear, it is not enough to be alive the question is are you adding value to your world around you. Your word begins from where you live, work, church and any other gathering you find yourself.
Life Issues
Here is another aspect i want us to examine sweethearts. Life issues are what we encounter everyday being positive or negative. But the truth is we now know the source. It is the HEART. If the scriptures says it is the heart then it is the Heart because the Bible is the Truth(John 8:32).
Another truth is the heart can be linked to your mind. So whatever you are facing currently is as a result of what is in your heart. The biggest issue here is that most persons are not conscious of it so they live their hearts as auto pilot allowing all sorts of junks to go in and wonder why things aren't going the way they see in other persons who seem to be better. This topic is very deep like i said but i am trying to be brief, God will help me to point out the major facts. Two people can be on the same job yet one seems to be more prosperous than the other. The fact is so many persons conclude and say well one is lucky and the other is not lucky. The the truth is have you bordered to find out what is contained in their hearts when you go close, it will amaze you.
Changed Hearts.
Dearest, we often see people complain without giving solution to their complaint or don't even border to look for answers to their complaints. The solution is simple since the Heart is foundation for issues of life it will mean that if we fill it with the right things the right issues will come out(gabbage in, gabbage out) See the advice Apostle Paul gave in Romans 12:2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
Remember, i noted that the mind has a link to your heart. So what do you do? Read, Read and again i repeat read. Fill your heart with God's Word and anointed books in your area of interest. I was in Book launch today and a question was asked How may books have you read in the past ninety Days? The truth is in nature there is no vacuum if you don't consciously fill your mind with the things you desire don't be surprised when you start manifesting the opposite because things don't just happen you make them happen this aspect have been over dealt with in previous write ups.
Regenerated Heart
Now, in conclusion your heart needs to be regenerated that is if you are not saved then whatever you save in your heart is not safe. Dwelling on this truth it is very important to surrender your life (Heart) to our Lord Jesus Christ and Start attending any Bible believing church nearby,So you can grow in constant renewal of your mind because it is in levels. You can pray this short prayer saying: Lord Jesus i accept You into my life as my Lord and Saviour, i believe you died and on the third day you rose, wash me clean with your precious blood. Cleanse my heart with your blood. In Jesus name Amen.
Read Psalm 51 .God bless you.
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