New research suggests that simple acts of kindness like
donating gifts to those in need may be all it takes to
reverse the effects of this stress.
Study author Emily Ansell of the Yale University School of
Medicine in a press release said “Stressful days usually
lead us to have a worse mood and poorer mental health,
donating gifts to those in need may be all it takes to
reverse the effects of this stress.
Study author Emily Ansell of the Yale University School of
Medicine in a press release said “Stressful days usually
lead us to have a worse mood and poorer mental health,
but our findings suggest that if we do small things for
others, such as holding a door open for someone, we
won’t feel as poorly on stressful days.”
Ansell and her colleagues had 77 adults aged 18 to 44
complete a 14-day experiment in which they used their
smartphones to report their daily feelings and
She added that “For example, if a participant did engage
in more prosocial behaviors on stressful days, there was
essentially no impact of stress on positive emotion or
daily mental health. And there was only a slight increase
in negative emotion from stress if the participant
engaged in more prosocial behaviors.
“The holiday season can be a very stressful time, so think
about giving directions, asking someone if they need
help, or holding that elevator door over the next month. It
may end up helping you feel just a little bit better.”
It appears that all these follows the give and receive rule which we will discuss in details soon. Since you are easing the stress of people by being kind then expect your stress to be eased too. Good luck as you keep easing the stress of people and in so doing imbibing a stress free life.
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