Welcome to the part two of the RULES OF CHANGE series.
We all always tell ourselves that we deserve more than we are often getting hence; we want to get more from this life through various means. Some persons want increase in salary, want to get more certificates by studying more or even going for higher degrees, we want more cars, more houses and we even want more from everyone associating themselves with us which includes famlies, spouses, friends and bosses only to mention a few.
Now, I want you to ask yourself these questions; what do you really have to offer? Are people feeling your absence in your presence? In the part 1 of this series. Of ourdiscussion I said you should stop complaining about everyone including yourself. So in essence my focus in this series is for you to LOOK INWARDS. What do i mean? Dearest you are unique. I have carefully studied mobile phones and how they operate and Their trends for years and i have found that no matter how similar they may be there is at least a distinctive feature that makes it unique from others. If they don't do that they will be held responsible for copyright violation (that's by the way) though they may have similar prices. Now my point is this if makers of electronic gadgets could be so careful in making unique product, what about God our creator( Gen. 1:31). Please stop wishing you could sing like that artiste you admire most, stop wishing you could preach like that preacher you admire most or speaker like your very good friend. Don't get me wrong i am not against you appreciating good things in people but avoid imitating them because the best you can be is a copy never original. God's blessings in Gen. 1:28 is for all flesh so why are you subtracting yourself. Stop reading about people and start reading about you.You have studied people enough. Study your life pattern , get to know steps you have ever taken to achieve those things you have currently and also things you think you ought to do differently. All these spending time reading about celebrities who have made it wouldn't do you much good unlike spending such time exploring you.
I would like to mention without any apology irrespective of our religious differences that your foundation for studying about yourself should be on the scriptures(The Holy Bible) and discovering what God has said about you, so you can really appreciate you (Jer. 1:5).
God bless you! Always remember you Find life (in Christ) to give life (to the world).
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